Book review - Elevation by Stephen King


It has been a while since I read a Stephen King book and as this was a short one I thought it would make a good holiday read.


Scott Carey has a problem, he is losing weight but not visably getting any smaller. He also weighs the same no matter what he is waring or holding. Just what is happening? He can eat 5 times a day and 3 desserts at each and the weight is still going down. This puzzles his doctor as there is no medical reason for it. 

Can Carey find out what is happening and stop it or is it already too late?

What I thought of it.

Now here is where big Stephen King fans might throw their hands up in horror but to answer the question 'what did I think of this book?'

In two words: not much.

This was like an A level English Literature short story which might have been given a grade C rather than what I would have expected from someone like King. It was like a very bad remash of Kings novel 'Thinner' but with a total by-pass of anything engaging. If it had not been for the fact it was the only book I had with  me I would have given up on it after the first couple of chapters. For me there is one use for this novel but I prefer proper toilet paper.

The two main plots, if you can call them that, run just like two totally seperate stories and just coincedentlly involved the same person in both of them. Whilst I do apreciate the fact the character numbers were kept to 3 main characters and perhaps 2 more minor ones which were more than just a passing mention the characterisation was as weak as water and it was very hard to care about any of them. One was characterised as being wetter than a fish's wet bits who you just want to be disposed of by Pennywise the clown.

I know that what happened to Carey is impossible, scientifically speaking, but I would have been able to overlook this if it was well written but, at the risk of repeating myself, this was not. I can't even blame it on a lack of scientific reserch as it is pure fiction. Again science fiction I can read if it is well written but this wasn't even bargin basement last two series of the original Dr. Who standard.

I think you can tell I didn't like this book.

Has this put me off reading other King novels? No, as I know he has written better novels than this and I do have other ones in my bookcase so will give them a go.

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